First Time at an Abattoir?



Step 1

When raising livestock for harvest, plan well in advance. Use our livestock booking form to secure your processing dates. Butcher shop staff will confirm your date and also finished product pick up day and time, following your booking. *BUSIEST TIMES: Mid-August to November. It’s never too early to book!


Step 2

Lester’s is a fully licensed abattoir through VIHA and CIFA. We offer butcher services on-site in our fully licensed cutting room. Learn more about our abattoir & cutting room team here.

Step 3

Preparing your animal for slaughter. Plan your mode of transportation well in advance to minimize stress. We can provide options for livestock transport. Do not feed 12 hours before slaughter. Provide plenty of fresh water and good ventilation for live transport. Do not feed while travelling. *PIG TRANSPORT TIP: If you have access to a trailer, park it near the pen and feed animals inside for a few days. Let them enjoy their new mobile home and get comfortable. Come harvest day you will appreciate the ease of loading.


Download and complete Drop-off Form in preparation for delivery.


Step 4

Download, complete & print your drop-off form prior to delivery. If you are hiring a hauler, please ensure they have a copy of your drop-off form. Arrive before 3 pm the day prior to your actual slaughter date (google Maps). Drive around the right side of the building and reverse the truck or trailer to the loading bay. Find an empty stall of appropriate size and clip paperwork onto the clipboard. Open the door into the passage to create a chute for livestock. Use boards provided to create a runway from the back of the trailer or truck if needed. Staff is not always on-site or available to help unload. Please ensure you are able to unload animals by yourself or bring your own help. *NOTICE: There is clean bedding and freshwater for the animal's comfort.


Step 5

Butcher shop staff will confirm your pick-up time. Pick-up days are Tuesday and Thursday. You’ll receive an invoice prior to pick-up which can be paid ahead by e-transfer or cheque upon pick-up. If someone else is picking up for you, send an e-transfer prior or send a cheque with the hauler. Contact ???? regarding payments here.