Butchery Services

Lester’s Butchering & Processing has provided custom cutting and processing for Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Island farmers for many years. Our fully licensed, government inspected facility offers expert cut, wrap & freeze services by experienced master meat cutters, butchers and sausage makers. We are a farmer-owned and operated business providing a safe, clean & professional environment for customers and our staff.

Learn more about our new ‘Butcher's Preferred Cuts’ option.

You and your customers can choose a curated cut list, created by our master butchers’ with the most popular and best value choices. Quick & Easy!

All cutting orders must be received 48 hrs after your animals’ slaughter date. Any orders not received by the time livestock moves to the cutting room, ‘Butchers Preferred Cuts’ will be the default.


Custom Cut, Wrap & Freeze: $1.25/lb
Butchers' Preferred Choice:  $1.25/lb
Sheep: $80 min. regardless of the size of the animal
Cured Ham & Bacon  (includes slicing): $3.75/lb
Slab Bacon: $3/lb
Sausage  (fresh): $3.25/lb

Goats & Sheep


Step 1: Book your animal (it’s never too early). Use our  booking form (preferred)  or  call the office.

Step 2: You and your customers can fill out cut sheets online. Provide this link to your customers and ask them to complete their order 48 hrs prior to slaughter date.


need to identify their order by the customer name we are familiar with, whether your farm or first & last name.


If you have purchased a whole animal or side from a farmer and they’ve asked you to complete your cut sheet, then you’ve come to the right place.

Ensure you have the correct name of the farm or farmer you are buying from before you start.